Offers available at Venture House

Free Hotdesking Trial
If you’d like to try out our Hotdesking facilities to see how they might work for you, your first visit is on us!…

Refer a New Hotdesk Friend
Venture House is offering an extra 20% on your next purchase of hotdesk days when you introduce a new hotdesk friend. After…

Student Hotdesk Offer
Hotdesks available in our co-working space, including free power supply, WiFi & parking. Discounted student rates of £10 per day or £40 for…

Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Members Offer
10% off any Meeting Room Booking 10% off Hotdesking plus FREE first trial visit Terms & Conditions Only available to Chamber Members…

Stratforward BID Card Holder Offers
10% Off any Meeting Room Booking 10% Off Hotdesking plus FREE First Trial Visit Terms & Conditions: BID card to be quoted…

20% Loyalty Discount
All current VH Hotdeskers and Office users are eligible to 20% off Meeting Room bookings! So why not make the most of our bright…