
13th October 2021

How coaching can help in menopause

Following a taboo-busting Donut Time talk on “Menopause and the Workplace” from menopause expert Laura Shuckburgh, here’s a thought-provoking blog from Laura…

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8th September 2021

Ethics beyond the political debate

“Ethical values provide the moral compass by which we live our lives and make decisions: ‘doing the right thing’ because it’s the…

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22nd July 2021

A year of change – time to step out and diversify

Local entrepreneur Julia Mitchell has had to make many changes over her working life: “20 years ago I was told that my…

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28th June 2021

Surviving the mess in the middle

Whatever business you are in, the last 12 months has thrown up some unexpected circumstances and experiences – often challenging what we…

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14th January 2020

Revolutionise your morning ritual

There are so many gizmos and gadgets out there to help us save time, yet we still feel busier than ever, particularly…

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