Business Support and Skills


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Business support & advice

Free business advice and support is available to all businesses in the district (irrespective of business size or sector) and to anyone who might be interested in starting their own business.

For an initial chat about the various advice and support that is available, contact our business experts at the Coventry & Warwickshire LEP Growth Hub. They are the single point of contact for business information, advice and support, including:

  • Starting a business
  • Growing a business
  • Access to finance, grants and funding opportunities
  • Skills and training support (further detail below)
  • Business planning
  • Planning and property advice, commercial premises search
  • International trade assistance
  • Innovating new products and services

Coventry & Warwickshire LEP Growth Hub
0300 060 3747

Current Growth Hub Projects:
Find it in CW – find procurement opportunities, connect with suppliers, advertise offers and promotions and find B2B events and workshops.
CW Employment Solutions – A service for CW employers and job seekers to post jobs, find jobs and connect with support.

Current business support programmes

Your Growth Hub business advisor will be able to offer guidance on your eligibility and suitability for the various support programmes and inform you of the latest support as it becomes available:

New Business Start-up Programme – for new businesses and those under 12 months old.

JumpStart – ever thought of what starting a business could do for you?

Creative Springboard – tailored support for existing businesses in the creative sector

Digital Retailer Workshops – free digital training for all Warwickshire retailers

Future Careers Digital Market Place Programmean opportunity for businesses to work with a filming company to produce a film piece to showcase their current and future employment and career pathways

Kickstart Scheme- provides funding to employers to create job placements for 16 to 24 year olds
FSB’s Kickstart Scheme
Warwickshire’s wrap around Kickstart Scheme

Peer Networks Programme – to support business leaders on the High Street

Peer Networks Programme 18-30s – supporting young, aspiring business leaders, aged 18 to 30, particularly in either the Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality sector or the Professional Services sector

Business Ready (UWSP) – a fully funded and innovative support package of 1-2-1 mentoring and workshops for tech based SMEs with ambition to grow

Coventry & Warwickshire Redundancy Support Service – helping build a support plan for businesses having to consider difficult decisions during turbulent Covid times

Small Business Apprenticeship Levy Programme supporting small businesses in the recruiting and funding of apprenticeship training

Sourcing the Right Talent – working with businesses to explore the many recruitment options available to support business growth

Thrive at Work Wellbeing Programme – offering businesses the opportunity to assess and improve their wellbeing provisions

Coventry and Warwickshire Innovation Programme – providing assistance to businesses to develop innovative and new to the market, products, services or technologies

Coventry University’s Small Business Leadership Programme – to help businesses survive and thrive through the pandemic, to aid their recovery and growth post-lockdown

WMG (University of Warwick) – working with manufacturing businesses through their innovation journey, including short and longer term projects

Stratford College – – Working with employers of all sizes to offer: apprenticeships, work placements, funded distance learning courses, up-to-date training programmes and business development services

Warwickshire College Group (WCG) – Offering a comprehensive range of business support, training and personal development, apprenticeships, consultancy services and much more

Learning & skills opportunities

Warwickshire Skills Hub – Employment and skills support and advice

Business Skills Review – Supporting businesses with their skills needs and recruitment plans to achieve their proposed goals

Skills Support for the Workforce – helping businesses access funded skills training to enhance employee’s skills, increase the competitiveness and boost the local economy

Coventry & Warwickshire Skills 4 Growth Programme – providing part-funded accredited and non-accredited training to local SMEs to improve the skills of the workforce

The Lifetime Skills Guarantee – aims to transform the adult education system with the following programmes:
Level 3 adult offer – any adult aged 24 and over who wants to achieve their first full level 3 qualification
Skills Bootcamps –  offering free sector-specific skill courses and fast-track to an interview with a local employer

Stratford College – Offering full or part-time courses to progress your career or skillset.

Warwickshire College Group (WCG) – Offering a comprehensive range of full and part-time courses and training

Centre for Lifelong Learning (University of Warwick) – courses to help you progress in your chosen career

Executive Education (Warwick Business School) – for online and short courses

Coventry University – Offering a range of full and part-time courses and training

The Skills Toolkitfree courses to help you learn new skills or get a new job

BT Skills for Tomorrow – free courses to feel more confident and develop digital skills

FutureLearn – learn new skills online with top educators

Digital Boost – a non-profit free of charge online platform offering free resources to upgrade yourself and your business

Local Support Organisations

Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce – business support for members & non-members

Coventry & Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership –central private/public-sector body driving economic growth

Coventry & Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust – financing businesses and supporting people through their specialised business support services

Coventry University Enterprises Ltd – helping companies to innovate and grow, locally and internationally. Workshops, events, funding and tailored innovation support

Federation of Small Businesses – Offering small businesses and self-employed vital business services and campaigns to help them grow and succeed

Invest in Warwickshire – for commercial premises search

Shakespeare’s England –the region’s official membership based Destination Management Organisation

UK Trade & Investment –helping businesses grow internationally

Warwickshire Apprenticeship Hub – for apprenticeship & recruitment matters

Warwickshire County Council – helping you to set up or improve your business

Warwickshire Rural Hub – inspiring farms & rural businesses to learn from one another & to encourage their businesses to prosper

Employer Connect (University of Warwick) – will help you connect with Warwick students or graduates with the right mix of skills for your business.

Other Useful Contacts – Government support and advice for businesses during the Coronavirus pandemic

Small Business Commissioner’s Office – an independent public body set up to help tackle late payments and unfavourable payment practices

National Business Helpline – government business support by phone and online

New Enterprise Allowance Scheme (Job Centre Plus) – providing money and support to help those getting certain benefits to start their own business

Prince’s Trust’s Enterprise Programme – for those aged 18-30 with a business idea

Small Business Saturday – a national campaign supporting small businesses in Britain

Start Up Britain –  a campaign by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs offer inspiration, resources and guidance to help people start and grow their own business

Trading Standards’ Business Companion – for trading standards & consumer protection legislation

Young Enterprise – A national charity working with young people to develop their work skills, knowledge and confidence